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FEBRUARY 01 2022 /
Lyme disease is a tick-transmitted bacteria. It’s one of the fastest-growing infections in the United States. Each year, more and more people are getting a taste of this quiet epidemic. In fact, over a quarter million cases are reported annually.
Though Lyme disease has been around for thousands of years, it appeared in the United States in the 60’s and 70’s.
The early symptoms of Lyme disease are very similar to the flu. Within the first few days or weeks of contracting this disease, people often show symptoms of a fever, chills, headaches, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes along with a rash.
Lyme disease presents with a rash known as the “bulls-eye”, due to the fact that it’s—you guessed it—shaped like a bulls-eye! If you spot a rash like this on your body, it’s best to get it checked out right away as the symptoms only get worse.
Stage 2: Early disseminated Lyme diseaseThe second stage starts several weeks after the tick bite.
This is when bacteria begins to spread throughout the body, leaving us with symptoms like chills, a sore throat, muscle aches, etc. Some more intense symptoms of this phase include numbness, tingling, chest pains, and even possible facial paralysis.
Stage 3: Late disseminated Lyme diseaseIf gone untreated, Lyme disease has the potential of lasting in the body for months or even years.
The third stage of Lyme disease involves the most severe symptoms. Things like arthritis, mental fogginess, heart arrhythmias, brain disorders, even death can occur in this stage.
Ok, ok. Enough of the heavy stuff. There is some good news here and it’s that Lyme disease can be treated! Though it’s best to get treated during the earliest stage, there are antibiotics available for each stage of the disease.
Let’s start by talking about what a tick is.
Ticks are small arachnids (in the same family as spiders) who require blood to survive. Ticks can’t fly or jump so they rely on shrubs, bushes and trees to latch onto any human (or animal) that might walk by.
To keep ticks out of your yard and away from your family, it’s best to keep your plants and bushes trimmed and kempt. The less crazy your shrubbery is, the less likely these guys will be to get comfortable in your yard.
Try to keep any furniture and playsets away from trees and the edges of the yard. If you think you might have ticks in your yard, make sure to check your dogs and cats for any signs of ticks in their fur.
You might also consider having your yard sprayed for ticks. If you decide a treatment is necessary for your yard, reach out to us. We’ll target the areas of your yard where ticks are prevalent (under shrubbery, around your gardens, underneath your deck or porch, along your fences, beside your foundation, within tall grass and low hanging vegetation).Unfortunately, there are more tick-transmitted diseases that Lyme disease. Here are a few that are prevalent right here in the Carolinas.
AnaplasmosisAnaplasmosis is similar to Lyme disease in terms of symptoms, the only difference being that symptoms of Anaplasmosis form 1-2 weeks after the bite, while Lyme disease symptoms can pop up almost immediately.
Rocky Mountain Spotted FeverThis tick-borne disease is spread by a variety of ticks across the United States—however, the most common cases are right here in North Carolina! The symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are similar to Lyme Disease in regards to the flu-like symptoms.
However, this disease presents itself as a rash that looks just like it’s name—spotted. Not only is this disease common, but it’s also potentially deadly, so make sure to watch out for it!
Think you might have a tick problem in your yard? Don't wait! Schedule a service with out pest control experts now!