You might not realize it yet, but adding a tree to your lawn could be the missing piece to completing your yard’s landscaping. More than that, trees actually add value to your home. Having a single tree in your yard can increase your home’s value by 2 percent. However, the shade from multiple trees can increase the value by 9 percent. This means that on a $300,000 home, having multiple trees in your yard could add $27,000 worth of value! Who knew?Because trees are meant to last for generations, you want to make sure you're choosing the best types of trees for your lawn. Trust us, there’s nothing more heartbreaking for a homeowner than buying a new tree, only for it to barely grow or completely die off after just a couple of years of being planted. Trees are important for landscaping because they can serve different purposes for your yard. Sometimes they’re ornamental and purely for aesthetic purposes, or specifically to provide shade. They can also be a productive tree that is fruit-bearing, or an evergreen for year-round landscaping and privacy. Regardless of the types of trees you would like in your yard, you need to first do some research before driving to your local nursery. Keep in mind, there’s more to caring for a tree than choosing the type. You still need to understand the specific care for each tree type if you want it to thrive with your lawn. Each type will have different needs, so you’ll need to pay attention to things like soil, sunlight, and fertilizer to make sure your tree lives for generations to come.Related blog post: Identify What Pests are Killing Your Trees
Types of Trees
1. Ornamental Trees
Also known as flowering trees, ornamental trees are the lookers of the bunch. These are the trees that steal the show with gorgeous flowers that bloom every spring. Ornamental trees are planted to serve as a focal point in your landscaping, so they’re usually smaller in size and provide very little shade. Common ornamental trees in the Carolinas include:
Magnolia tree
Dogwood tree
Cherry Blossom tree
Redbud tree
Crepe Myrtle tree
Jacaranda tree
Chaste tree
Fringe tree
Carolina Silverbell tree
Each type of flowering tree is particular when it comes to its watering needs. As a general rule of thumb, trees in warmer climates need more water. Fortunately, the Carolinas receive plenty of rain and humidity, which is why many types of trees thrive here.
2. Shade Trees
Shade trees are known for being large, wide-spreading trees that provide several feet of coverage. From full shade to dappled sunlight, shade trees are perfect for any large lawn that gets too much direct sun. These types of trees are a blessing during the hot summer months, especially in the Southeast region!Depending on the species, there are slow or fast growing types that you can plant for your yard’s needs.
Oak tree
Hickory tree
Sourwood tree
Maple tree
Elm tree
Birch tree
Sycamore tree
Willow tree
Gingko tree
Linden tree
Tulip tree
Dogwood tree
Zelkova tree
These types of trees are very diverse and come in tons of different species, which is why it’s important to research the specific soil, sunlight, and watering needs before planting. In general, most trees like well-draining soil. Shade trees usually like lots of sun since growing a large canopy of limbs requires quite a bit of energy. Please Note: Remember not to plant these large trees near any structures because the branches and roots can grow into them and cause damage over time.
3. Fruit and Nut Trees
Fruit and nut trees are popular with gardeners who love growing their own food. Backyard gardeners can have fruit or nuts for many years to come, as these trees are usually productive year after year if taken care of properly.
Apple tree
Fig tree
Nectarine tree
Peach tree
Pear tree
Persimmon tree
Plum tree
Chestnut tree
Walnut tree
Fruit and nut trees usually need well-draining soil for optimal bud and fruit production. These types of trees don’t like standing water, because underneath the soil the roots still grow even while the tree is dormant during the winter. On average, fruit and nut trees need at least six hours of direct sunlight during the growing season, otherwise, they’ll struggle to produce anything edible. In this case, don’t plant this type of tree next to taller trees, houses, or tall buildings. These trees usually need both male and female trees to cross-pollinate and produce fruit and nuts. Because you need more than one tree, you’ll need a large yard to grow anything. Depending on the type, each tree needs about 10 to 20 feet of space to grow properly.
4. Evergreen Trees
The name evergreen comes from the fact that these types of trees never drop their leaves and stay green the entire year. These trees are perfect for year-round landscaping since they keep their lush green color. Evergreen trees are also ideal for screening if you want some privacy.
Thuja tree
Holly tree
Juniper tree
Viburnum tree
Cypress tree
Cedar tree
Spruce tree
Most evergreens prefer acidic soils because it holds moisture better. Besides that, these trees don’t require too much upkeep which makes them an easy option for landscaping. In general, most evergreens like partial sun and are perfect for providing shade for other plants.
How to Take Care of Your Trees All Year
Take care of not only your trees, but also your yard through every season with our Guide to Seasonal Lawn Care. In this guide, we break down every task on your seasonal checklist you should be doing to make sure your trees and lawn are healthy and thriving all year. You’ll learn about the benefits of professional lawn care and see exactly how the professional lawn experts at Killingsworth take care of your yard season-by-season. From fertilizer and insect control, to disease prevention and lime applications, we guarantee your yard will have the best curb appeal on the block.
To schedule an inspection or lawn care service, fill out the form on our lawn care page today!
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