Easy Home Pest Control Techniques You Can Do Yourself
So you’re officially a homeowner, but are you ready to handle everything that comes with it? You can no longer call your landlord every time you see a roach! However will you survive? Don’t worry, there are many home pest control techniques that you can easily adopt to rid your place of any unwanted guests. To understand how to remove pests, you must first know why they chose your home. After all, your home isn’t just keeping you warm and dry, it’s also a great place for pesky bugs and other critters to hide from inclement weather and a safe place for them to nest. During the winter months especially, many pests know they will not survive if they don’t find shelter — and your home is looking very cozy! If you’re unsure of what type of pests you may be dealing with, check out our pest encyclopedia.
Household Remedies for Home Pest Control
Depending on the type of pest, you may have ingredients lying around the house that could do the trick. Before going out to buy a product, try these tips to save time and money on pest removal.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Many types of insects can be flushed out with apple cider vinegar. Ants hate the smell of it, so they’ll be long gone after you set it out on your counter. It’s also a quick and easy way to eliminate fruit flies, who will produce in droves if you don’t act fast. Place a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a jar or glass and cover the top with plastic wrap. Poke several holes in the plastic to give the fruit flies a way in – they’ll be attracted to the sweet smell but unable to escape.
2. Vaseline and Beer Trap
Having an insect problem but don’t have time to call the exterminator? There’s a simple way to trap them. Take a plastic bottle and cut it in half, then place the top half inside the bottom as to create a funnel shape. Put vaseline on the walls of the bottle and then pour a few ounces of beer in it. Bugs will be attracted to the smell of beer and crawl through the funnel but will be unable to escape due to the vaseline-lined walls trapping them inside. Inevitably, they will drown and you can toss the bottle without ever having to touch them! You can learn more about this home pest control technique, here.
3. Peppers and Garlic Spray
A great alternative to insecticide sprays is a hot pepper and garlic blend. (You’ll want to make sure you are using a very hot pepper, like chili, cayenne, etc.) Chop up the vegetables and boil them in water. Once the water is cooled enough, strain it and put it into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture wherever you’re having pest problems and the scent will drive them away!
4. Coffee Grounds
Coffee already boasts everyday use in most households, but did you know it’s also a great insect repellent? Sprinkling it on your window sills or near other cracks in the home’s foundations will help keep insects out, especially ants that have made their way into your kitchen. Bonus: putting it in your garden will prevent pests from destroying your plants as well!
5. Night Light
Yes, you read that right. Leaving a small light on for a few nights in a row may deter pests that have been frequenting your home. The light confuses them and they can lose their foraging pattern. If you’ve had a problem with ants in your kitchen, this could throw them off enough that they will look for food elsewhere.
6. Hot, Soapy Water
Many insects find food in your home and want to keep coming back – who wouldn’t? Once they infiltrate your kitchen, most bugs release a chemical called pheromones to signal to their friends that they’ve hit the jackpot. If you find ants or roaches in your home, be sure to wipe everything down with hot, soapy water. This washes away the pheromones that were secreted, making them lose the trail. If you’re having trouble with one pest specifically, check out our information on each type of pest and how to deal with them accordingly.
Home Pest Control and Prevention
Now that these pests are gone, make sure they stay gone. There are plenty of easy things you can do at home to prevent them from coming back. Maintaining these techniques will ensure your home stays yours!
1. Mint Leaves
Placing mint leaves around the house is the perfect repellant. This simple addition is enough to keep away the most stubborn of pests – ants, roaches, mosquitoes – and it’s a fresh scent for you to enjoy.
2. Peppermint
Similarly to mint, a peppermint scented essential oil will drive away mice and spiders. You can put a few drops in a tray or diffuser and it will keep them at bay.
3. Replace standing water
Take note of any place around your house that has standing water such as vases, bird baths, ponds, etc. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for many pests and should be changed regularly to prevent them from being able to nest.
4. Storing food
Your food should be stored and sealed in neat, dry places that make it hard for bugs to get to. Also, your trash can should have a lid. Closing your containers tightly is possibly the simplest way to keep insects away.
5. Attics and Crawl Spaces
Most homes in the Carolinas have either an attic or a crawl space, if not both. These areas are very popular places for pests to invade; they’re usually darker, danker and dirtier than any other part of your house. Insects thrive in these environments and often go unnoticed because of our lack of attention to them! It is extremely important to make sure that your attics and crawl spaces are clean and well-ventilated to create an uncomfortable environment for unwanted guests.
Is Home Pest Control Enough for You?
If home pest control techniques aren’t enough for your pest problem, Killingsworth Environmental can help. We offer several different types of pest control services and can inspect your home to determine the right method for you. Schedule Pest Control Inspection with Killingsworth Environmental now!
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