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FEBRUARY 01 2022 /
Oh, and every seed I sow, Will grow into a tree. And someday there'll be apples there, For everyone in the world to share. Oh, the Lord is good to me, Johnny Appleseed!
Oh, the earth is good to me, And so I thank the earth, For giving me the things I need: The sun and the rain and the apple seed. The earth is good to me, Johnny Appleseed! In this fairytale-like story, Johnny is depicting a joyful, barefoot wanderer who wore a tin pot as a hat and planted seeds (seeds which would grow into large apple trees) out of the kindness of his heart. But this idea ingrained into the American mind is a fabrication of the life Johnny Appleseed actually lived. What is the true story behind this legend? In honor of National Johnny Appleseed day, here are seven true facts about Johnny Appleseed you might not have known.