The fate of the Earth is in the hands of our children. Teaching them the importance of being green and eco-friendly is more important now than ever before. Do what you can to instill positive “green” habits in your children.
By recycling, we cut down on the amount of excess waste in landfills and pollution. Recycling is a concept most adults don’t even fully understand nevermind their children. Educate yourself on recycling and then stress the importance to your kids.
Make separating cardboard, paper, glass, cans, and plastics in your household a fun activity.
Send kids to school with reusable water bottles, lunch bags, and Tupperware to cut down on paper bags and unnecessary plastic waste.
Research shows kids today are disconnected from the natural world. The more active and involved young people are with nature, the more likely they are to realize the impact of their environmental decisions. Encourage your little ones to put away the technology and head outside for fresh air!
Tell them it’s okay to get wet, dirty, and messy while they’re playing outside. (The effort it takes to clean them up after is worth the appreciation they’ll have for nature)
Go for regular walks, runs, and bike rides through your neighborhood, a local park, or a community greenway trail.
Have picnics!
Planting and managing a garden with your little ones can be a lot of fun. Whether you’re growing a small bean plant or huge vegetable patch your kids will experience the science behind tiny seeds grow into the food they can eat.
Let your children choose the types of fruits and veggies they want to grow–within reason of course. Keep in mind some require more maintenance than others.
Give your children the responsibility of watering the garden every day.
Brainstorm creative meal options that incorporate the fruits and veggies of your garden and then let them harvest what you’ll need!
Measure and keep track of growth.
Composting is a great way to increase your children’s environmental awareness and to teach them what is bio-degradable vs. what isn’t. It’s important for kids to realize what happens to their waste when they “throw it out”. Set up an area in your yard where they can take kitchen scraps, miscellaneous yard waste, cardboard, and other compostable items for fun. They’ll see that over time their waste “magically” decomposes into fertile soil. Don’t know how to start composting? Learn all about composting here.
Allow your kids to identify and collect biodegradable items around your home with a game of “seek and find”.
Create a “micro-compost” in a transparent empty soda bottle. It takes composting to a smaller scale for kids to see easier.
Driving is a huge contributor to pollution and let’s face it, if you have kids your car likely gets a lot of use. While your car is running it releases several types of emissions that are harmful to the environment. Get your family on board with changing your transportation habits.
Carpool whenever possible with friends or family.
Have kids walk, run, scooter or skateboard to the bus stop rather than giving them a ride. They will appreciate your trust and their new independence.
Ride bicycles to the grocery store, ice cream shop, soccer practice, etc. Because what kid doesn’t enjoy a bike ride?
Planning a family road trip? Make it a train trip instead!
Save Energy
Most electricity consumed by Americans is generated using fossil fuels. This form of generation is responsible for emitting greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. Unfortunately only a very small amount of electricity is generated through renewable sources like solar and wind. Teaching our kids to use electricity efficiently is important and will help reduce overall pollution.
Download and print this coloring book which teaches kids energy saving habits.
Reward kids for turning of their lights, fans, electronics, etc. when they’re not being used.
These steps may seem small but we all have to start somewhere. Tell your kids that they CAN make a difference in the health of our planet. Environmental protection is a cause we fully support at Killingsworth. In fact, we utilize environmentally friendly methods for all of our services. If you're in need of pest control, lawn care or indoor home restoration services, schedule an appointment with us today!
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